Constitutional grammar: An amendment to the Constitutional text may be an unconstitutional constitutional act, and the Constitutional Court is “competent” to review the constitutionality of legal acts of constitutional rank


Assoc. prof. dr. Andraž Teršek THE STATE OF AFFAIRS Everything I do, or not do, regarding the law and communicating the law in public, is founded with the best possible intentions. In undisputed bona fide manner. Sometimes my fellow professors and legal scholars/theoreticians and me, who belong to the generation born, let me say for...


Za dostop do objav je potrebna prijava. Prijava ni mogoča brez predhodne registracije, zato se lahko prijavijo samo že registrirani uporabniki. Prijavite se s svojim uporabniškim imenom oz. e-naslovom in geslom, ki ste ga vpisali ob registraciji.
